Posted in fiction

Lost Lovers

Their fingers danced upon their phone’s keypads as they waited for a beep on their phones. Disengaged words with disjointed emotions in disconnected worlds. Lovers they were not. Time had long robbed them of such intimacies. They were friends, on a good day. Strangers, on some others. Cool, detached and dispassionate, with carefully measured words, toned down emotions and a thin layer of ice.

Posted in m@dness

Confessions to Myself

Hmm…Confessions to I dont know…whoever reads my blog maybe! Dont judge me ONLY by this. But this is me too. People dont have to be perfect n all full time right. SO here are my imperfections. AHEM! It takes quite a lot of guts to write about your imperfections! So, MIND IT! 

  • I am paranoid about getting old!!Especially with my 26th Birthday being in a month’s time n all!
  • I can be really lazy at times
  • I swear, a lot. Lately.
  • I can kill someone for Chocolate.
  • I love watching cartoons. Especially Disney!
  • I hate to be alone. 
  • I dont like phones sometimes. It gives me the creeps sometimes. Yeah Yeah..whats app and all other appps included.
  • I will someday open a restaurant and call it Maddy’s!
  • I’d love my husband to tell me to work ONLY if I feel like!
  • I dream of having a nice life after marriage. I dream, everyday!Its just that I cant see the guy’s face clearly!
  • I have this “THING” for men who are a tad round by nature.
  • I judge men by their ass!
  • I love old movies, any language!
  • I forgive easily, but will never forget!
  • I love surprises. Giving and taking!
  • My friends mean the world to me.
  • I love my dad, a lot!
  • n second lastly, I cry.!
  • n lastly, i snore!Light, but i snore

N dont hate me n all for this. Love me a bit more, Come oN! I am honest, right?!

Posted in m@dness

Questions of thy mind

For those who are avid readers of this blog, Apologies for not posting anything for over a week. I was down n out with bouts of Stomach Flu and then the blood platelet count going low n stuff. Basically, I was whiling time at the waiting room of my doc and in the casualty n stuff. That’s when these questions struck me! n So many…..

Why are there so many diseases?
WHy do hospitals contain Welcome Signs? Who wants to be welcomed into a hospital!
How did I just know that second chances were never my thing?
Why’d I follow the path of disillusionment knowing that i traverse it?
Why would anyone in their right mind be himself when he knows that his true self is not accepted in certain company?
Why would a person commit suicide when he/she can have a gala time laughing at the ironies of life?
How can someone light themselves on fire?
How can a dying man even think of who to pass on his fortunes to knowing that his death is lingering over him?
When did it ever become right for a person to become the boss of everybody?
Why are LOVE n HATE considered such strong words and emotions when it just weakens the person,bit by bit?
Where is one supposed to find his true love when it is said that he/she is OUT THERE somewhere waiting to be found?
What is the reason we are sent into this world?
Is there only goodness in anyone alive?
Who gave man the right to believe that he has the right over other “sub”species?
Why cant evil seep into this world so deep that it becomes okay to kill yourself?
Why is it a PURSUIT of happiness?
Why did “God”not stop the “devil” from spreading evil & disease in his universe where we reside?
Why does Pain ache so much?
Why cant there be a book of answers?
WHy do some people know everything?

Answers always welcome…Just some questions that arose in my mindwhile I was sick!! Yeah, I seem to get the time to ask questions ONLY when I am sick and tell myself that I am dying! 😉