Posted in fiction

What’s in a name

Everyone knew her and loved the person she was. She was unique and so was her identity. However, that November morning changed everything for her. Everything from her identity, character, life,name and her very being.So much so, that her family also changed overnight. She was now Mrs. Das.

Dedicated to someone very dear to me.


Posted in m@dness

Life and times of a man who cheated on love

DISCLAIMER: This post was inspired by a conversation I overheard while travelling on a bus and has nothing to do whatsoever with me.

He opens his eyes to loneliness. The room is dark except for the faint light which creeps in through the blinds, letting shadows of vehicles passing by adorn the ceiling. He shifts his posture to see the lady he has been sharing his bed with for the past 10 years. He was what society defined a perfect man and if perfection was requisite to be happy, then he would have been happy. It had been 11 years since he realized he wasn’t anywhere close to that happiness, to that peace of living life the way it should be.

He crawls out of the bed slowly without disturbing his wife and moves to the next room. A child snuggled under a blanket with a gentle smile on her lips, makes him melt in ways he had felt only for one woman. A woman he had let go off when he should have held on to.
Every day as he watches his wife read bed time stories to their child, he hates himself a bit more for wanting a different woman in her place. Every night as he slides and runs his hands on his wife, he thinks about the times he had shared with his love, 11 years ago in all those wonderful places they had been together and then makes love to his wife, thinking his wife to be the other woman. He can’t help but loath himself for he knows, the present could have been different, if only…
He has a past that he rewinds in his mind every single day, a past he wishes he could alter. A man in love he once was, in love with a woman who returned her sentiments, bountifully more. He was proud to be the one who loved less for he knew that she would never let go of him. The woman loved him and fulfilled his desires, irrespective of her constrictions and her complex, struggling life. Everything she ever wanted to be was more for him and less for herself, more for being able to keep him forever and less for living her dream. Infact she hardly had any dreams of her own. She was always chasing his dreams for him.  But she trusted him too much to know that one day, he will let go of her for what he called, a practical life beyond compromises. He had warned her earlier.
He had always told her that life is not a fairy tale and that one cannot just live with love alone. He was a man of principles. A man who would do anything in the world to protect his image, even if it meant letting her go and moving on. He had few friends and none of them really knew him. She was his best friend too and she was the only one who had known so much about him and still loved him. But that was her. For him, she was a  punch bag. Someone he could vent out all his frustration and take out all his ego on. He would harass her in every possible way but she would still hold on. And then when he had to stand up for her, for their love, he gave up on her.
And he let go of her for a woman from a wealthy family, a better woman which his parents had  found for him. She was perfect in his eyes and all he had to do next was to fall in love with her. A good house, a devoting wife with a benevolent character and he believed that with time, he will fall in love with her. He left his love for a life on a plate readily served to him. She loved him too much to hold him back.
A faint touch on his now overgrown beard brings him back to where he was. He smiles at their son with his lips while his eyes mirror the pain his heart was going through. Why couldn’t he love the woman she was married to? His life was perfect, then why wasn’t  he smiling? Why did he let go of her when all she asked was him to believe in her and in the love they shared?
Sometimes, he drives by her home on his way back from work. He has heard from people that she got married a few years ago to a man who came looking for her. To a man who believed in her abilities and a man who loved her more than she loved him. She became everything she said she will, but she now shared it all with a man who believed in her.If only he had believed in her. If only he had realized that she was the diamond which time could polish. If only he had stood by her side.
He thinks about the milions of times he had argued with her and making her apologise for no fault of hers. Life was now just a pretence and he knew, this time the blame was on him and him alone.
Posted in m@dness

Just Another Boy-1

Like i already told you, I have joined the bandwagon of the single-marriageable age-girl-looking for prospects. Well well not in my wildest dreams think I’d come to this. So on Sunday after my cousin pestered me to take a look at the profile they had created for me on a matrimony site, I was forced to sit down in front of the !@#$% system and look at myself being put up for sale. No, seriously. I have had profiles on the zillion social networking sites and have loved to see myself there. But this was, damn! It really felt like I was put up for sale with all the features and qualities and information where people come, look at you in photos in all possible angles and then decide whether you are “good enough” for them or their kid/brother etc. Yuck!!

So after I had seen through my profile and edited some of the insane information my family had given, my cousin and I decided to check out the profiles of the unlucky, inglorious fellows who had shown an interest in my profile and sent a message.

Okay before I get to the details, please remember that each person’s profile also has an area for filling up “partner preference” where you are supposed to enter what you are looking for and this is the area which everyone focuses to see if there is a mutual interest, frequency, match etc. This is what I have put up as my partner preference;

Age- 28-30(don’t want him younger than me and elder than my brother)
Height-5’7- 6’1
Marital Status- Unmarried(d’uh!)
Physique- normal( not athlete n not obese)
Caste/Subcaste- Nair( if u ask me, i’d write intercaste offspring)
Eating Habits- Non Vegetarian( must)
Smoking Habits- non smoker(i really don’t appreciate people who smoke)
Drinking Habits- doesn’t matter (:p)
Education- B.Tech(non IT), M.Tech, MBA, PGDM, LLB,LLM(ok everything other than doctors and IT guys)
Occupation- “
Annual Income- Haven’t mentioned anything.

Now read On:

Guy 1

Name: KK
Caste- Naidu
Profession- Business
If I had a gun, I’d hunt him down and kill him! Come on, does anything here match my preference 😦 and to top all of it, no offence but if we were to stand together and take a pic, it would look something like ….aaaaah forget it!
Guy 2
Name: AV
Age: 34
Profession- M.Com
Location: South Africa
Caste- Pillai
Don’t these guys read?? One thing i would love in the guy would be command over the english language and the ability to comprehend. Look if he cannot understand what I have written down, how on earth is he supposed to understand my feelings?!
Guy 3
Name: RP
Profession: Executive
Age: 29
Height- 5’4
Location- Tvm
Guy 4
Name- VV
Height- 6’0
hmmmmmm not bad…. 

But really, one will go totally berserk looking at the men and hunting for “A suitable Boy” ! Yes I know what I want but how on earth do i just find him?! Oh if only my dad said, go find yourself a guy :p

Share your matrimonial stories…n lets laugh together.

Oh my Knight in Lungi…where are thou?!?!

Posted in close to heart, m@dness

Matrimonial Purposes

I know I have written on marriages around 4 years ago but come on, I was a kid then!

So after an ordeal that went on for ages, my dad won. Or lets say my family won. I was going to do the unthinkable or rather I did the unfathomable and registered on a marriage site! Ya ya laugh all you want, but I had to do it. In a way life was scaring me. Most of my friends were getting married and some of them already have kids and are planning the next one! Forget marriage, I do not even have a guy! I was  am scared I will die at 80, looking outside the window waiting for my man to come! So that was the one and only reason I had to register myself on a marriage portal(well not exactly, come on you could look at cute guys and nobody would say anything! :p

I must admit I have gone through these sites before for my cousin and a couple of my friends but this time it was different. I am clueless! I dont know what I am looking for then how am I supposed to fill up those questions and blanks?! I always believed which later on turned into hope that I would fall in love and get married to that guy I had found. But at 25, you have a remote chance and the odds are all against you. I was open to falling in love and had no criteria in particular, but this was different. I was supposed to fill up details of “The Man” i expected or wanted. Height, weight, favourite cuisines and hobbies, profession etc all required in detail.

Above all that I had to post a couple of my photos online so that the prospects can “view” and then send us a message. Well from the time I remember, my best friends and my brother have told me that I am quite photogenic(ahem ahem) and that people who see my fotos will think i look pretty when in reality i am not 😦 . Grrrrrr whatever! So that by itself was an ordeal. I did add a couple of fotos and my dear friends gave one look at it and started laughing. Now I am thinking, I should probably upload some of my whacky fotos or the morning photos that I have. I duunnoooooo!!!! Someone help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its been a day since I have become of matrimonial type and I am shit scared and apprehensive about my future. Can I jus find someone and get married or will I die waiting? I keep thinking of the friendsI have and how we were introduced bcoz I would love to have a guy who is my friend turned husband. Come on, think of getting up next to a person u hardly know! Think of how difficult its going to be to let a complete stranger be a part of your life! A guy who hardly knows my name trying to make my family and help me in making my dreams come true(O hell, he doesn’t even have a clue of what my dreams are).. I am kinda getting psyched and nobody seems to be listening.

P.S- I am scared and am seriously thinking of running away to Bhutan!

Posted in m@dness

Stop bugging me jus coz I am single!!

In India, or better still, in Kerala which is God’s own country(and devils own people) if you are a girl and unmarrried at 25, its a crime!!!If you are single then there is something very wrong with you!

Marriage! That all important thing in a woman’s life or so they say! Something that gets even more importance in our society than other trivial matters such as education and women’s rights! Our social mindset is such that an Indian woman is only considered to be a “complete woman” if she has that chain(thaali,mangalsutra etc) around her neck and a baby(two is perfect) on her lap.

As someone who is single, I am constantly being told how essential marriage is for a happy, secure and stable life. It’s a social norm that must be followed; my “well wishers” inform me earnestly. Honestly, I really can’t seem to understand this point of view.

Marriage according to me is a conscious decision to spend your life with someone you truly love and want to be around the rest of your life. What on earth does thatt have to do with a woman’s security and social acceptance? The general arguement is that a woman needs someone in her life to “Take Care” of her. Are we trying to imply that the modern Indian woman is not capable of taking the major decisions in her life and looking after her own needs? As for the majority of women is this country who are not financially independent, isn’t it a better idea to empower and educate them so that they become self reliant instead of just marrying them off to someone so that they are “looked after” for the rest of their lives. And how many times does it work? Haven’t we all seen umpteen examples when a woman is ill-treated by her husband and left to fend for herself? Usually women don’t even have the courage to walk out of an abusive marriage because they are afraid of the social stigma.

We need to stop treating a woman as a “Responsibility” or a “burden” and treat her as an individual with the freedom to live her life as she wants. We need to acknowledge and support a woman’s right to fight against an abusive marriage instead of telling her to quietly accept her lot.The Problem is, a woman’s hopes and aspirations don’t stand much of a chance in our male dominated society. Indian woman is supposed to be the epitome of sacrifice – She is told that she must compromise her own happiness and desires for the good of her family. Yes, there is a little give and take in every relationship. We make adjustments and sacrifices for the people we love – be it friends, family or siblings. But do we really need to submerge our own identity to get the so called fulfillment and social acceptance that marriage offers? Is marriage the only thing a woman can derive happiness and contentment from? Isn’t the freedom to follow our dreams and aspirations and live our life the way we want enough to make us happy? Wouldn’t a woman who hasn’t found the man or cannot be with the man of her choice, be happier living alone, doing what she wants, instead of getting stuck in a marriage where she lives a stifled existence.

Ladies,wouldn’t you rather be in the driving seat of your own life rather than let your life be driven by someone else where you wouldn’t even have half a chance of back seat driving ! Some of us are lucky enough to live life on our own terms. But we are a minority, and even if our family is perfectly all right with us being single, society is definitely not.
I am not against the institution of marriage. A marriage between two people who truly care for and understand each other, is a real blessing. Just don’t make marriage a social compulsion, something we are obliged to do even if we are not happy doing it. Let a woman make her own choices, let her decide if she wants to stay single or get married and give her the right to walk out of an abusive or unhappy marriage without making it a social stigma.

Posted in close to heart, fiction

Forever 21

She has known him now for 4 yrs . They met when they were in college. She was NOT a girl next door , and he wasn’t a flamboyant in character , but they were meant to be together.
She was a charmer and he was the less social, shy one in the corner. He was into books and she was in everything apart from it . Maybe as it is said , opposites attract. They happened to each other . She never believed in Love until she met him and THEN there was no looking back .
They made a pair to be envied by all those who knew they were a couple , to be blessed and loved by few .
When GOD wrote their Love Story he was perhaps in the most melodramatic mood. The budding lovers were least aware of the real world. They dreamt of everything except a broken relationship .

Some dreams are meant never to be fulfilled and few horrible horrible nightmares  were destined to come true. Maybe they were fated to meet and depart .

Oh there she stands today amidst all applauses & eyes gazing at her. She is at her best spirit. This is where she always intended to be. To be acclaimed , to be unbeaten , to be praised. She moves in the crowd with smile on her lips and pride in her eyes but always looking for that familiar face with the deep grin. The disappointment in not finding that face was well hidden by practice.She moves back to her bay and look out of window to see the roads she has travelled once with him .

She is 28 now and climbing ladders to her success but nothing stops her from going back to the life when she was with him .There is part of her which wants to run back to the days when she was 21 , when she was content by just walking in the June- July rains of Cochin, by that 5 minute bike ride or that wait at the garden for 10 minutes just to see him after his football or cricket match . She cant stop thinking of those days even when her friends tell her to move on .

Moving on has been a strange journey for her where she got everything in this spree  only disallowing herself from every relationship . She met many ppl only making them acquaintances. Today she is in dilemma if to allow herself another chance in new relation or not . As the pieces of that broken relation still nip her , she refuses to discard them .

Every marriage she attends, every status update she receives, every couple on the road n she thinks to herself, why couldn’t it be them walking hand in hand, y couldn’t it be their marriage, and why did it have to be them to fall apart? Why??

No matter how high she climbs up and how much success she finds, the love that she felt when she was 21 will still thriving inside her . A relationship which is dead for the world will still be nurtured and kept alive by her. She is not waiting for him but the love still binds her to tat man .She will forever be 21.

Posted in m@dness, Moanday Mornings

Settling Down :)

Everyone I know are either getting married or going abroad to do further studies. 

When I tell people I don’t wanna do it, they look at me like a retard. It got me thinking, “Am I one?” Maybe I am. or maybe not. Maybe everyone else is crazy. These people are just half of the crowd I know. The rest of them are scurrying to find the perfect groom. Both of them are in the pursuit of “settling down”.

Can anyone ever settle down in life? I don’t think its possible, but ask yourself, how many people have thrown that phrase at you at the drop of a hat?. I’m sure your fingers and toes collectively are not enough to count.

Just when I am about to gobble the gulab jamoon on my plate at some stupid wedding reception one of the afore mentioned crowd ,there appears an aunty out of thin air. With a cheesy wink, she asks, “So next is yours.” I smile sheepishly wishing, “Oh! if only cold-blooded murder were legal in this country”. He keeps staring, then I say, “Whats the hurry , I’m still a kid”. Stupid me, its exactly the type of answers such aunties and uncles are waiting for. She retorts, “When will you “settle down” ? Look at your cousin, she is younger than you and happily married”
What does he mean settle down?? Am I some squatter? I live in a house just like them. Do people live in some underground establishment after marriage? ‘Cos I know only one “down” and thats where I am right now!

Coming back to the other half. An irritating “friend” pokes you on facebook. This is the conversation that ensues
He/She:”Hey whats up?!”
Me:”Nothing much, you tell”
He/she:”Nothing just chilling here (“Here” refers to Chicago/CA/wherever on the northern hemisphere).. So what r ur plans?”
Me:”For the weekend?”
He/She:”No yaar, in life? I mean, marriage or professional course?”
Me: “I don’t wanna do both”
He/She: “What?!!! But why??”
Me: “I’m fine this way”
He/She: “Are you happy with that package? Don’t you wanna settle down rich and happy?”

Time to log out  

Anyway, the point is people NEVER settle down. If they are married, they’ll start thinking ’bout kids, if they’ve kids, they start thinking ’bout their scools, school over? college, college over? then their marriage!!
For the others who do their professionaldegrees, if they are in India, they wanna go to US, if they’ve an AM’s post, they vie for the Manager’s, if they become the manager they’ll want to get married!
It never stops
I wanna tell all those people
“I will not settle down!
This is life.
Its a vicious circle,
The circle of life, The end is death,
You can’t settle down when you are alive,
If you wanna settle down, then just die,
you will be made to “settle down”, whether you like it or not!
Face it!”

I’d love to see the look on their faces 

Posted in fiction


She lit the candles carefully. Lighting the last one, she looked around to make sure the whole room glowed orange

evenly. She sat down to rearrange the white lace tablecloth neatly spread out on the floor. Making sure the edges were even, she placed the dishes she had made on the tablemats, careful to place them equidistant from each other. She was a perfectionist, or so she said.

Finally, she looked up.
Candles – check.
Flowers – check. He hated lilys, so she had to be sure none were in sight.
Food – check check. Steaming hot Italian pasta and baked vegetables slightly underdone. Perfect.
Wine – check.
Sexy dress – check.
Makeup- perfect.

She sat back against the leg of the sofa, inhaling the scent of the candles. The watch showed five to eight; she had exactly four minutes before he arrived. She smiled, wondering what that penchant for being one minute early was all about. She had never found out in the four years they had been together- much like everything else she did not know about him.

She wondered why they had never tried to find out more about each other. Beyond his favourite cuisine, his aversion to lilies and his obsession with black satin, she knew almost nothing about his tastes.

Or his life outside the nights they spent with each other.
She sighed. She liked it this way. Non interfering. They both led independant lives, no questions asked, no explanations given – it only mattered that they were together when they both needed it. This was how she had wanted it.
The doorbell rang twice and then opened – another of his idiosyncrasies. She cocked her head to the side and smiled as he stepped into the light.
He was dressed in his usual pin striped suit with the tie slightly crooked – a sign that he had had a tiring day. Her smile widened. Tiring days meant even more tiring nights.
His forehead was creased – he seemed deep in thought. She half sat up, crossing her legs.
“What’s wrong?”
He looked around the room and his frown deepened. He did not place his briefcase down, but leaned against the mantelpiece. “We need to talk.”
She sat up fully. She had not heard that line before.
“What’s wrong? ” she repeated, a little loudly this time.
“This needs to end.” The words were abrupt. He was gazing at some point just above her head, firmly away from her face. “Right now.”
She was too stunned to say anything. She stared at him, willing him to speak further.
“I met someone else. Actually… I have got back someone I lost four years ago. I met her on a trip to Italy and then things didn’t work out between us. I hoped and prayed… and on my last trip there I found her again. She wants me to move there. I think we have a future.” His sentences did not make much sense. It was urgent, he only needed to say what was essential. His voice was torn between pleading and dreaminess. Between longing for someone else and pity for her.
Between the need for a future he had dreamt of for four years and the need to get rid of the present and her.
She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t talk. She just gazed helplessly at him, wondering if time had stopped.
Finally, he looked at her- for the merest fraction of a second. In that second, his eyes held every ounce of pity he was capable of. There was no remorse, no sadness. Just pity, overflowing, senseless pity. He turned around slowly, not needing a response. It was as they had begun the relationship – no questions asked, no further explanations needed. You are free to leave anytime you choose. He had told her, cupping his fingers beneath her chin as they had stood beneath the star strewn sky. I will ask no questions.
And yet, here he was, walking away first, and she had no questions she could ask.
Something rankled in her head. “Her name?” she choked.
He turned and looked at her, and she knew she was right. “Lily.”
The door swung shut behind him and she crumpled to the floor.
The door creaked open and she looked up, wondering how much time had passed, wondering if he had come back.
It was not him. It was another familiar face, looking alarmed. “What on earth?”
She gazed at her husband’s face as understanding slowly dawned on him. She watched his face crumple, felt her own head beginning to spin.
A gust of wind blew through the open door and extinguished the candles.
Darkness set in.
Posted in fiction, m@dness

Intimate Wounds

Maya sat alone as the sounds of the procession wafted through.

“Am I  getting married?” she thought, perturbed in her mind, her heart racing, and a sense of foreboding evil infused her senses. It wasn’t one of those pre wedding jitters one usually had.

“Shut up! Shut up! Calm down…” she muttered, barely breathing, the jewellery around her throat chokes her windpipes, almost a trap. Almost?

Laughter rings out, getting louder till all other sounds die out except the screaming inside her own head. She had no idea why she had agreed to marry. In fact, truth was, she did not care. For months she had not even looked at a reflection of herself. She walked up to the mirror and stared at the stranger who looked back at her; looking beautiful in her bridal attire, her eyes pained and soulless.

Whatever it was, she did not really care anymore. She would go through it because she was expected to. There were no ambitions anymore; all lay in shreds broken words of countless thoughts that had wept onto the pages of a journal, now reduced to waste, quite like the relationship that had been rudely shaken and killed.

Run. Run away while there is still time. Shut up! Shut up! O my God! What am I to do? Lord, can’t you do something? Why do I have to go through this?

She looked sadly at herself…as she remembered.

“Maya, where were you?” his voice rang in her ears as the memory sprung out. She looked at him. He was angry. He looked like he could murder. It was what he exactly did. He brutally stabbed her soul, his words rich with abuse, cruel and biting.

He had decided to physically torture her however he could before he went his way forever, careful to cover his hands with bandage so his skin would not bruise in the process of bruising hers. Maya had lain on the floor, her body curved into a small shroud; tears had long mixed with the blood that was on her nose, her broken skin inside her mouth, the salt of it metallic and sick. His words sunk into her, each stab worse than the previous one, cutting into her wounds deeper. He did not love her. He had merely been using her. He told her about the others, his friends as he used to call them, what they did to give him pleasure and what she never could give him. . Commitment was never what he wanted, a body to make him feel like god, satisfy his ego and make sure all his demands and wishes were met. That is what he wanted from her. That is what his friends gave him.They adulated him. He was a God.

Lust. That is all it was.

She returned home when it was dark and nobody could see her. She put away the clothes, folded up, the putrid smells of the drying blood growing stronger. She put away her soul, her heart and her entire self, bruised and damaged beyond belief, and in a stupor.

At the insistence of her father, she agreed to marry the first person who came along and asked her. She made no protest. She let them bathe her, beautify her with the long rituals of the pre-wedding rites, that could purify her and ready her for marriage.

The laughter shook her out of her reverie. They had come for her. She was ready; for slaughter of a different kind. It was alright. It did not matter. Nothing had mattered and nothing ever could matter anymore. It was a just punishment she gave herself for having taken the liberty to fall for a heartless man. It was time to pay for the sins of her doing. There was retribution to be carried out. It was inevitable.

“Maya, shall we go?”

Maya nodded and stepped out to face her Fate. There were no sounds anymore.

Three hours later, with the red dash on her forehead, she sat in the quiet room, the smell of roses and jasmine choking, mocking her life.

She waited, to be used, abused…or ?